Japan : +81-90-6044-4565


At Teczuno we continue to address the AI desires of our clients with an array of services and technologies. The improvements that may occur with the right cognitive computing may be quite interesting to envision


IoT is starting to have a real impact by changing how goods are made and distributed, how products are serviced and refined, and how doctors and patients manage health and wellness. But capturing the full potential of IoT applications will require innovation in technologies and business models, as well as investment in new capabilities and talent.


FinTech is all about innovation, disruption and transformation, and will undoubtedly impact and shape the way financial institutions around the world operate.This is something that affects everyone in the FS industry so get in touch with TecZuno to talk about what that means for your business


Blockchain-based technology could revolutionize business practices as we know them. TecZuno sees huge potential for Blockchain in financial services. Developing strategic and implementation capabilities is necessary to help financial institutions, technology companies and startups take advantage of this transformative technology


Teczuno Japans Analytics Services accelerate the use of analytics everywhere to drive your digital transformation. A fully integrated, industrial-strength analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) platform that includes enterprise-grade architecture, multiple deployment options, End to End managed services and guided on boarding.


TecZuno gives credit to Legacy technologies that had, the most impact on the IT world. One still has to be impressed by the ability of legacy tech to last as long as it does, especially when most IT assets only last three to five years on average



India Headquarters

TecZuno Global India Private Limited
Brigade Metropolis,
Brigade Arcade,
Unit 221, 2nd Floor,
ITPL Road, Bangalore-560048 (India)